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Monday, August 31, 2009

喜欢 vs 讨厌


1. 我最喜欢小动物,尤其是狗 (黄金猎犬)

2. 我最喜欢蓝天的蓝,纯洁的白,和黑黑

3. 我最爱吃意大利面,Mushroom sup,Tomyam等等

4. 我最喜欢看Drama (韩国,台湾,香港等等)

5. 我也很喜欢游泳和骑脚车 (虽然很久没玩了 L)

6. 我最喜欢懂得珍惜,大方,温柔体贴的人


1. 我最讨厌欺负小动物的人

2. 我不是很喜欢青色

3. 我最讨厌吃菜尤其是臭臭的菜,苦苦的菜,硬硬的菜,生生的菜

4. 我最讨厌吸烟,赌博,犯法,奸诈,花心的人

5. 我也很讨厌等待的感觉。所以,我很讨厌常常迟到或者不回信息的人

6. 我很讨厌脾气不好和不守信用的人 (尤其是我很在意的事)

7. 我最讨厌被骗得感觉

8. 最后…我非常讨厌背叛我的人!!背叛过我的人,我应该永远都不会再相信那个人吧!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


在人生里,我们一定会遇到很多不可思议或者意想不到的事。在这个时候,我们一定会觉得晴天霹雳,因为意想不到的事发生了!面对这样的事,我们又该如何抉择呢?有时候真的很烦恼,因为一旦做错选择,可能就会终生遗憾... 我发现放下执著或许人生会更快乐!有时候太过执著也只会伤害到自己,一点好处也没有....

看开一点, 现实一点,清醒一点 或许会让自己更快乐吧!单纯的爱,单纯的人际关系只是一个梦吧!是时候看清,看开这一切了!

看开了, 烦恼少了,心情好了,人也更美了!

希望我的朋友们也会看开一些,快乐一些... : )

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Lovely Eddie

Since rainy was a little girl, she likes dogs very much. Therefore, she wishes to have a dog to accompany her. However, her living place and financial conditions do not support her to own a dog. Thus, she feels very disappointed.

One day, Rainy able to own a dog because her father decided to move to a bigger house and he needed a dog to take care of the house. After she knew it, she was so happy and excited and started to do research about dogs. Through the research, she found that Golden Retriever is a very nice dog. It looks cute while it is small and looks pretty while it grows up. Thus, Rainy decided to buy Golden Retriever. After she went to so many pet shops, she found Golden puppies in one of the pet shops. They look cute and nice. Without thinking, rainy decided to buy one of the male golden puppies from the pet shop.

Before the pet shop owner send the puppy to rainy, she was so excited and get ready with all the necessary stuffs to welcome the puppy. When they sent the puppy to rainy, she founds that they took the wrong puppy to her. Thus, rainy insists to change the puppy and went to the pet shop to choose again. At last she found it and took it home by herself.

After she brought it home, she bathed it and placed it in the cage. Rainy and her family discussed to give it a name. Everyone has different ideas, rainy father want to call it money, because money come money come. But rainy did not like this name and she was suggested to call it as Eddie. So, to be fair, they let the dog to choose the name itself. At last, the dog chooses Eddie by picking up the paper.

In the first day, Eddie still unable to adapt the new environment and it is scare to be alone, so he started to bark all the night. Rainy worried that his bark will awake her neighbors, she tried to comfort Eddie and stay beside it all the night. Because of that, Rainy realized that dog is nice to see but difficult to take care.

After few days, Eddie started to adapt the new environment and it stayed happily with rainy. Even though rainy feel very tired to take care of it but it brings a lot of happiness to rainy as well.

Every day, they play together. One of their games is hide and seek. For example, Rainy will throw a ball to Eddie and ran to hide in a place. Then, Eddie will pick up the ball and try to find rainy everywhere and give the ball to her.

Eddie is a very smart but naughty dog. It able to understand lots of human’s commands. For example, sit, hand, eat, go gaigai (go out have a walk), and so on. When rainy shouts eat, it ran to rainy immediately because it likes to eat. Besides, it likes to go gaigai as well. When rainy said go gaigai, it came to rainy happily.

Sometimes it likes to destroy the house as well. For example, it likes to bite the door, cabinet and even underwear from the toilet. When rainy realizes that it was trying to destroy the house, she scolded it and it will show its pity and innocent face to rainy. This make rainy feel funny and can’t angry with it.

After few month, rainy started busy with her part time job. Because of that, rainy has neglected Eddie. Without notice, Eddie was infection with unknown illness. Rainy was so worried and send it to the veterinary immediately. However, Eddie was not recovered because of the stupid veterinary simply gave it some irrelevant medicine. Rainy tried to send it to the famous veterinary as well. But they can’t cure it as well because it is too late. Luckily, Eddie was not knock down by the illness, it still alive even though the illness still with him.

After Eddie infected with the illness, rainy was very sad and she felt very guilty because she didn’t take good care on it after she work. Because of that, rainy stop working and always accompany it.

One day, rainy move to new house and they held an open house party. Because of that, rainy’s parents sent Eddie to the pet shop for a day. After they finished the party, they only went to the pet shop to fetch Eddie. When Eddie reached home, it was started to vomit and diarrhea blood. Rainy was so shocked when she saw Eddie vomit blood. Without any delay, she sends it to the famous veterinary. Eddie was recovered after it took the medicine. Unfortunately, after one week, the sickness comes again… Eddie vomit and diarrhea blood again. It is really a good dog because it tried not to diarrhea in the car and bears it until it gets out from the car. Rainy sent him to the veterinary again and let him stayed in the hospital. In the night, rainy dreams Eddie. Eddie told rainy that he has recovered…. But in the morning, the phone wakes rainy up… her mother told rainy that Eddie was passed away last night. Rainy couldn’t accept it because she just dreams about Eddie and it is fine in the dream. After Eddie passed away, rainy cried for many days, and she feel very sad because Eddie passed away just three day before of her birthday… Because of Eddie, rainy had spent the saddest birthday.

Till now.. Rainy still miss and love Eddie very much. She will never forget it because it is her 1st dog.

The end

Thursday, August 20, 2009

阿 雅 先 生 ( The end )

“ 对不起?为什么?” 虽然我的心早已被他溶化了,可是我还是无法坦诚我的真感情。

“ 对不起..如果我伤害了你.. 我真的不是故意的!”

“ 对不起......” 电话突然响起, 打断了我想说的话。


Rainy,我知道你现在很忙,可是我有很重要的事想告诉你..你可以过来一下吗?” 汉堡包很紧张的说。



“有事?是汉堡包找你吧!为了我.. 可以不要走吗?” 建华很可怜的说道,手挽着rainy 的手。

“我.. 对不起..” 我忍心的抛下这句话后,就离他而去了。

“汉堡包,你还好吗?听你的声音好像很紧张..” 我问道。


“我.. 对不起.. 我还有事,先走了。几天后,我会给你一个答案。” 带着复杂的心情的我就这样回家了。

回到家后, 我就回到房间,然后把自己关起来,想一想自己的感觉。

[好烦啊!要建华还是汉堡包?他们两个都那么好!天啊!之前没人追,现在一来就两个。而且两个都很好.. 真的不知道该如选择。两个我都喜欢,两个我都不想伤害..] 想着想着,我就睡着了。






The End..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

阿 雅 先 生 (continue 15)


“不关你的事!” 他很酷,很冷淡的回我。

“你这个人怎么这样啊?我好心关心你, 你却...唉!我不管你了!” 我很生气的说道。



回到家后,我又睡不着了。心里一直在想他的话,不安的我又开始胡思乱想了。[ 他的冷淡是不是代表他不喜欢我了?为什么?难道我就不值他等待吗?不值得再为我付出吗?早知道我就不不理他了!] 想着想着,突然电话传来一封简讯。‘心雨,对不起!请你原谅我,好吗?我真的喜欢你!- 建华’当我看到这封简讯时,我好开心!我马上回他 ‘建华,其实我也真的很喜欢你!我早就原谅你了。’闹钟突然响了!我看了看电话,我才发现那只是梦!我的天啊!为什么是梦?难道我和建华就到此结束?唉!



“ 嗯,好吧!

“ 不可以!她已经跟我有约了!”建华突然插进我们的话题。

“ 你几时约我的? 我怎么不知道啊?汉堡包,别理他!我们等一下要到哪里吃啊? 虽然我很开心因为他吃醋了,可是我还想气他!谁知建华把我拖了出去。

“ 你干麻?放开我!你把我弄痛了!” 我一直争扎着,汉堡包因为担心我也跟了出来。

放开她!” 汉堡包喊道。建华也放开了我。

“ 外人请走开!我要单独和她讲话。” 汉堡包还是没离开。

“ 汉堡包,你先回去吧。我会没事的。”

“ 好吧!有什么事就call我吧!” 汉堡包说完就走了。

“ 他已经走了,你有什么事就快说吧!我们还在工作呢。”

Rainy, 对不起!请你原谅我!” 建华很诚恳地道歉。

Thursday, August 13, 2009

阿 雅 先 生 ( continue 14)






!他说得对! 你知道为什么我生气你吗? 就是因为你没有尊重我..你并没有考虑过我的感受..你怎么可以轻易就夺走我两次的吻呢? 那是我的初吻呢..”

真的吗? 对不起..”

汉包包? ..怎么会在这边?”




! 我喜欢她 !”汉包包很肯定的回答他.


你怎么啦? 干麻乱打人啊?”我很生气的骂他,然后去扶汉包包.

你没事吧 ?”


..你也喜欢他吗?” 建华突然插了这句.

我们走吧! 别理这疯人..”

我没回答他..就跟汉包包走了..可是我感觉到啊呀先生很伤心...在远处..我隐隐约约的听到啊呀先生在喊 :“我爱你! 你不也是喜欢我的吗 ? 为什么? 为什么这样对我?!” 我的心好痛当我听到那句话..我想汉包包也有听到..他也知道我是爱啊呀先生的...

你还痛吗? 对不起..害你被打...”我真的好内疚..其实这句对不起也是想对他说..因为我不能喜欢他...








! 你没有做错...谢谢你...”










Wednesday, August 12, 2009

阿 雅 先 生 ( continue 13)

建华病倒的那一天,我根本无心工作,因为我很担心他…..其实我很想再去看他,可是我却不想让他知道我的心意.为什么我会那么茅盾呢? 明明我们是相爱的..为什么我就不敢去接受他呢? 我是怕受伤害吗? 我也不清楚我该怎么做才对呢? 天啊….

心雨! 你还在生气吗 ?”建华突然在我面前出现.

..你怎么会在这? 你不是应该在家好好休息吗 ? ”


..真是的!!我不跟你说了..现在我还在上班..你还是先回家休息吧 !”

! 今天你不说清楚,我是不会回家的!”建华的声音突然变得很严肃.


心雨,发生什么事了? 你没事吧 ?”




! 现在没人了!你到底要说什么? 现在快说吧!我还得去上班..”



那为什么你要这样对我? 要这样伤害我...”





他还没说完..我就立刻回答他..很大声的说: “我喜欢你!” 因为我不想再逃避了..我想跟他在一起...在我毫无防备之下,他又吻了我...我又呆了..当我开始有反应..我立刻想把他给推开..可是他的力气很大..我根本推不开..就在我拼命挣扎的时候..有一个人一手就把他推开了..那个人的力气好大喔..但是我没想到那个人是他...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

阿 雅 先 生 ( continue 12)

心雨 , 我真的好高兴..你还陪在我身边….”

“ 你可别想太多了,如果你只是陌生人,我也会送你来医院的。”

“ 你..还在生我的气吗?”

“ 我必需先走了,我已经迟到了。” 说完我就头也不回的走出去了.


你没事吧 ? ”其实我很担心,可是却装得很酷.


你笑什么啊? 真受不了你,长得那么高大,一天不吃不休的就倒了…”





回到Pacific ,我又遇见汉包包……


是啊! 我换去NOON SHIFT …..你的老板有骂你吗?”



他还好吗 ?”





!没问题! 那我先走了,不然要被骂了再见!”


Thursday, August 6, 2009

阿 雅 先 生 ( continue 11)

上 , 我 错 , 也 生 。 当 hand phone 时 , 我 了 。 这 的 , 那 华 。

言 ( 11.00p.m )…….

Rainy , 我 华 。 你 吧 ? 为 呢 ? 听 , 好 吗 ?)

我 。 你 吗 ? 我 你 , 可 吗 ?)


言 ( 8.00a.m )…..

….. …. …. 吗 ? 我 …. …. ….. …..)

后 , 我 动 , 可 他 。

切 , 可 Pacific 候 , 我 …. 我 。“ 丑 ”, 我 题 , 所 碍 。 我 Pacific , 我 旁 。 我 他 , 可 了 , 因 我 。

Rainy , 看 班 , 我 了 。”

“ 你 noon shift 吗 ? 这 麻 ?”

“ 对 啊 ! 我 .. ….”

上 , 昏 了 。

“ 健 华 ! 健 华 ! 你 啊 !” 我 他 , 然 脸 , 希 来 。 我 意 , 可 人 。

“ 小 姐 , 行 , 快 吧 !” 一 里 。

“ 汉 包 ?! 你 里 ?” 我 了 。上次我第二次去做工的时候认识了他。

“ 现 了 , 我 吧 !”

了 。医 后 , 发 度 , 一 饭 , 才 的 。 听 了 。

忙 , 要 180 右 , 体 65 kg 呢 ?”

“ 别 说 , 我 忙 , 也 的 。”

“ 才 呢 ! 刚 了 。 对 了 , 你 呢 ?”

“ 我 啊 !”

“ 哦 , 那 吗 ?”

“ 对 啊 ! 刚 Fair , 所 做 , 顺 便 …..”

便 么 ? 泡 妞 ? 对 对 ? 哈 哈 ! 我 道 。”

“ 他 吗 ?”

“ 他 ? 你 的 ? 才 呢 ! 我 ….”

吗 ? 那 …..” 了 。

“ 什 么 ? 你 么 ?”

“ 啊 .. …. ….”

了 ! 我 吗 ? 你 啊 ?”

“ 噢 ! 我 ….. 啦 !”

“ 对 ….

了 。

“ 这 .. 啊 ?” 他 弱 。

“ 这 院 , 是 的 。”

“ 这 ……..”

好 , 我 包 。”

“ 哦 , 好 。 我 华 , 谢 来 。”

“ 别 …”

“Rainy , 你 吗 ?”

“ 当 然 ! 你 是 ? 不 的 ! 你 啊 ?”

“ 对 .. …” 尬 , 所 以 他 还 是 先 走 为 妙 。

“ 哦 , 你 吧 ! 谢 喔 !”

“ 别 .. …. 拜 !”